Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Clean-up Fix-up

With the start of classes at PICS High School one week away, the pressure to get things done is beginning to show itself.  The electricity has finally been restored to a couple of classroom buildings that have been without it for several years.  I regard this as a personal victory as I have been advocating (read being a “pain-in-the-neck”) for this since being assigned to PICS.  Yesterday, tables and chairs arrived for a new computer lab, with computers to follow shortly—all at the behest of a local Congressman who saw the need.  Perhaps most gratifying has been the role played by one of the local Mormon Churches on the island.  A faculty member approached me several weeks ago with the message that his church would be willing to donate paint, painting supplies, and labor to help clean up the campus.  Long story short, last Saturday the supplies arrived along with an army of around 75 church volunteers.  While we probably would have benefited from a drill sergeant to direct people to areas of greatest need or better connecting skills with need, the workforce was incredible.  It is hard to imagine a group of people with more smiles, more enthusiasm, or more willingness to tackle what needed to be done.  Collectively, they indeed made a significant dent in all that is required to make this campus presentable.  Even more, they all agreed to return next weekend to continue their efforts.  PICS High School owes them a debt of gratitude.  Pictures better tell the tale.

Frank, a leader in both school and church

In both church and school, all events start with a prayer.

The crew

A family event

A creative use of cardboard!

Weed whackers were the weapon of choice.

Lunch at the end of the workday

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